AR – Advocacy / lobbying.
March 21, 2023 6:08 pm Leave your thoughtsLobbying is a specifically defined activity by the IRS. (See
Lobbying is a specifically defined activity by the IRS. (See
Federal grants often require complex reporting processes as well as compliance and vendor hiring practices and can also trigger an [...]
Chapters/councils are encouraged to work with their state council treasurer to review all state rules and regulations relating to contests [...]
Please count all sponsors who contributed cash gifts for sponsorship recognition, not those which provided in-kind service or product contributions.
Chapter/councils are encouraged to use the TU Online Fundraising Platform for online auctions. Be sure to follow all federal, state [...]
Chapters/councils are prohibited from running online raffles without express permission from the Volunteer Operations staff due to the many and [...]
Chapters/councils must follow all federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to in-person raffles or sweepstakes. Check with your [...]
The TU logo is protected by trademark and use of the logo requires special licensing permission and an Memorandum of [...]
Donations of a portion of proceeds from a business activity may be considered commercial co-venture activity which requires specific filings [...]
A conflict of interest policy is recommended best practice for all chapters/councils and the IRS asks organizations that file a [...]